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What We Do

Most birds we admit have injuries that can be attributed to accidental or intentional human interference. These birds have collided with cars or flown into windows or power lines. They have been senselessly shot or poisoned. They have been taken from the nest and often have severe nutritional deficiencies. They arrive with injuries such as broken bones, concussions, and damage to eyes, ears and feathers. These birds are often depressed and in pain, yet have an incredible will to live. With a balance between providing medical care and being as hands-off as possible, we give these magnificent creatures a second chance at freedom.

Species We Help

The Birds of Prey Foundation specializes in raptors such as eagles, hawks, falcons, owls and osprey. We also accept vultures, pelicans, herons, egrets, ravens, and other native bird species.

In past years, many rehabilitators, naturalists, scientists, zoologists, veterinarians, and government officials from across the country have visited the Birds of Prey Foundation. They have also come from other countries including Canada, England, Africa, Australia, Germany, and the Philippines. Our dream to provide exemplary care for injured and orphaned raptors has become a reality.

Our Rehabilitation Techniques

The Birds of Prey Foundation receives birds from all over Colorado. We are primarily a hands off facility and try to reduce the stress of captivity as much as possible. Our large aviaries are an outdoor hospital for the birds where they can regain strength and still feel the sun and other elements.  From here they find their way to freedom - a chance to soar on mended wings again!

Our Foundation

Intensive Care Unit

Our Intensive Care Unit provides state of the art technologies to help our patients recover in an indoor, low stress environment. Our ICU offers diagnostic equipment including digital x-ray, an in-house blood chemistry analyzer, an in-house blood-lead analyzer and a microscope for blood and fecal analysis. We also have a full surgical suite complete with anesthesia. In addition, we have several incubators that provide heat as well as oxygen to our most critical patients.

Flight Enclosures

Our flight cage compound has 22 large flight enclosures specifically designed for each unique species we care for. Each cage is outfitted with perches, stairs and ladders for birds that are not yet able or ready to fly. Each enclosure has trees, grasses, rocks, branches and pools to keep the environment as natural as possible. The flight enclosures allow for low stress physical therapy and conditioning so these raptors can remain as wild as possible while in captivity.


Note: Due to the sensitive nature of our recovering patients and the wildlife regulations we abide by, we are closed for all public tours. We thank you for your understanding.

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